A Throne of Leaves: A Kingmaker P2E Actual Play - Episode 3 - "Shiny Danger"
This time... On City On A Hill...
Welcome to a Throne of Leaves, a Kingmaker Pathfinder 2e Campaign Actual Play from City On A Hill. New system, new cast (ish), new content, same nonsense. The party further explores Lady Jamandi's Manor and gets into... stuff. Hope you enjoy this new group, system, and concept!
Cameron - https://twitter.com/humarwhitill - https://twitter.com/CamPlusDeanna - https://twitter.com/1Geek411 - twitch.tv/CameronPlusDeanna - twitch.tv/1Geek411
Emma - https://twitter.com/iamnotprepaired - https://twitter.com/1Geek411 - twitch.tv/1Geek411
David, aka UniqDNA - https://twitter.com/UniqDna - https://twitter.com/JeekNation - https://chaotictheory.com/
Matt, aka RockinMrMagic - https://twitter.com/_rockinmrmagic - https://twitter.com/JeekNation
Ben - City On A Hill Discord
Kim - https://twitter.com/AdventurerArtsy - https://www.tiktok.com/@artsyadventurer
Greg - City On A Hill Discord
Big thanks to our supporters! Grizzly Rich, JD, Bryan, Sir Lord Epicname, Andrew, Christina, Tony
Check us out at @CityOnAHillGame on Twitter or email us at cityonahillgaming@gmail.com
Us on teh Discords - https://discord.gg/N2Qj8fk5wE
Leave us a rating/review on iTunes or whatever awesome podcast app you use. And tell us where you listen to the fun!